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Friday, July 30, 2010

Change is happening

Avatars come to set the change which is greatly needed. Few are come to the surface, like rivers, and are celebrated but a large part remains unseen, like the ground water and, continue to nurture the humanity for ages and ages.
Advent of Ram is associated with the anhilation of Ravana. What we see is that whole story of ravana is only in the fourteenth year of the exile. There is much more to it. he came to redeem the who were waiting for him like ahalya and shabari. He anhilated tadaka and kadhamba, who refused to change and were becoming source of disharmony to the social order. He gave courage to the weak hearts like sugriva and confidence to Vibhsana to stand up against adharma. He blessed alikes of sharbhaga for 13 years by giving his company and living like them. He not only followed dharma but also buit confidence in the heart of people to follow it. He showed that the divine benovalance will arrive.
When parashurama had anhilated the bunch of irresponsible ruler here was a an ideal one. from his time it became a rule to look upto ideals. He assured that people will never say that we don’t have ideal to look upto. For the politic he was guiding light and for a sould which was lost in the wilderness of the world his name became constant companion. He was relevant at that time and will be relavent for all the time to come.
It was agin in the time of Dwapara age. Krishna was laying down an order which would guide the coming age Kaliyuga. We know that in epics people with great sacrifice are mentioned. But he knew about the coming age. He told that to worship lord you don’t need to do something great of that sort. Just you need pure feeling and offer patram, pushpam, falam and toyam.
Not that this was invented by him. This must have existed even before him. It is said that the Gita is essence of Upanishads. Human mind has spark of divinity and it cannot be said no other person got similar idea earlier. But the words of Krishna made difference.
We see that pandavas did yajna and then few more yajna down the lineage and then the great yajnas are not mentioned by the history. It was for the common to take up doing yajna and they had to do with what was mentioned by Krishna.
It was further highlighted by Adi shankaracharya, who composed many stuti to arouse the devotional feelings among the common. The tradition, which was started by Krishna, continued. The heights of that could be seen in the rise of bhakti movement in Bharat. It was bhakti movement which saved the culture of Bharat from being vanishing from the onslaught of the foreign invasion by the newly born Islam. It had to be synthesized in the existing Indian ethos. Bhakti movement did that great job. It was not difficult to see that Krishna was still guiding the millennia.
The greater blow was given by arrival of the European with the industrialization along with them. World needed again few pillar to hold on. So we saw few pillar appearing like Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. what humanity needed was not only a light house but also a good boat man, who would take care of the ship in the troubled water, Who would live among them, like them and for them.
This desire is fulfilled by arrival of Sai. Shirdi Sai lived among the common and sowed the seed. it became a sapling. A new order was born. Here was a person, whom everyone could look up to. With Satya Sai the tree is growing bigger and bigger talking every parched soul under it. It is told that Prema Sai will culminate the present change. Cannot guess about the unique ways divine acts but what appears is that like in previous incarnations we will usher in a new age. People of dwapar yuga could not imagine about us, so we too cannot about future.
One can notice happening but just to show the continuity, Sai avatar has even removed the requirement of patram pushpam phalam toyam. Not by removing the sloka but by introducing the new meaning as body mind heart and tears of joy.
Conflicts will be there as per the nature of the society and the universal law. But change will be happening in the heart of people, as it had happened earlier.

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