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In Search and Research

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Sunlight is the best disinfactant
- Arun Shourie in devil advocate While speaking on Nira Radia Tapes

Many a things are kept under carpet in the name of security. It is not for security but the benefit. Every thing should be open to person who is worthy and needs it. Hiding of fact makes it rot and then it emits foul stench. It may be ignores for some time but beyond that it becomes unbearable. At any time best way of disinfecting a rot is to expose it to the sunlight of knowledge and honesty. Only corrupted mind does selective reading.

A New storyline

Yesterday, when I was waiting for train while going to Kanazawa Sai center a story line flashed. Here is the outline.

There are multiple worlds in existence with time and space intermingled with each other.
Time scale of one level is different from others.
Curvature of space is different in these existence.
Just by moving to other level one can circumvent the physical law relating to time and space.
One cannot simply move from one to other. there ara interconnecting passages.
Most of the people are allowed to be in their respective planes of existences.
Migration from one to another is governed by the law of Karma.
Willful transition from one to another plane is through a guidance of expert.
Those who don`t understand this it appears miracle.

Culture of Bharat is well informed in this subject.
It talks of Loka-kaal concept.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Why people have gone blind

Bharat restarted it`s journey after independence. It was in saddle to march towards its destiny and when such journey starts there comes problems. When a society has some problem, it should not try to rest the matter with quick fix solution, imported from elsewhere. Even though problems look similar, because of the unique background of the societies, the solution too have to be unique to them. One can be inspired from else where, but the lasting solutions have to be from within. This was the factor which was forgotten, while drafting the policy for Bharat. It`s roots were forgotten. People, who were power centers at that time, were inspired by western development. There was probably one person who could have made things better- he was Mahatma Gandhi. He was shifted to the background of Noakhali to soothe the wounds created by partition. There were deeper lines being drawn for the future partition.

Instead of reinventing and rediscovering Bharateeya self, it was considered better to don a clock of western pattern. We lost faith in our inherent power. We lost our connection to our innate divinity. Our leader proclaimed that Modern Bharat`s temples are manufacturing units. In this process we changed our ideals and with time in such temples money became god and corrupt people became the priest. Power was centered in money and authority was centered in power. So at last everything got centered around money. That was the great downfall of the society.

It is never too late beyond control to restart. At some time people have to decide and change the trend.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Reading Norwegian Wood

Well written adolescent novel. Nice description of ordinary scenes through an ordinary eyes. It makes reader feel of possible the acquaintance to scene somewhere down the memory lane.
Few lines are like water stream oozing out of the soil mildly reminding of the water within the hard crust of earth.
page 145
"I guess I am opposite to brilliant," said Naoko. "I don`t understand anything they are doing here - any better than i understand myself."
"It is not because you are not smart," I said. "You are normal. I`ve got tons of things I don`t understand about myself. We are both normal: ordinary".

I was going through the passage where it dealt Midori's father's hospital condition. i rembered grandfather in-law of Kalyani. i had gone to see him on his last day.
he was almost dead.little breathing and defecating that was left as impression as life. i was amazed with the job Kalyani was doing in cleaning him regularly when everone else had given up.
i had joined them in their journey to village. i with her father in law were in front. she was in middle seat with rest of the place filled by body of the dying mad. i think every one took him to be dead too. there was no pain no pleasure. open eyes wanted to say something which nobody wanted to know. we went all the way till village. she cleaned him again. something wehich made everyone appreciate for the service which she rendered. i too was amazed to see the stuff she was made of. i did not why she only did it nobody else came forward. we were served food and were about to eat when the new was conveyed that he had gone 'cold' and we could not eat after that. few ladies cried but it looked like ritual. many gents were relieved with what had happened.


... , I suddenly thought of my old girl friend,....Chil ran through me as i realized how badly i had treated her. I had hardly thought about her thoughts or feelings or the pain I had caused her. She was such asweet and gentle thing, but at the timei had taken her sweetness ofr granted and later hardly gave hera second thought. What was she doing now? I wondered. And has she forgiven me?

A wave of nausea came over me and i vomited....


Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Education Policy

Education policy is not a job scheme to offered by the government it should be a future making process. There should not be any compromise on the quality front. If education policy is taken care then in due course every individual of the society will be leader for themselves and then the power get decentralized in real sense.

Present day education policy has produced people as beggars of few particular shinning jobs. This system was introduced by British, Lord Macaulay, to train the colonized people in serving interest of the ruler. They wanted the common people to be dependent upon them for every small thing so that they could continue the rule forever. After freedom from that rule focus should have been to remove the yoke of the policy but it was not done so. Th fault lies with the people who were at that time at the helm of the affair. They themselves had been trained in that education policy. They learn the new meaning of freedom, liberty and equality while getting educated. They struggled against the rule following those principle. So they were grateful to the system. It became to holy to be touched. There is nothing wrong in learning anything from anywhere but such idea should not be implemented verbatim. Evey land has its own history and culture. Any system should be in continuum to the past. a society should be cut from the past abruptly, in fact not even slowly. Past if proved where as present is only experiment and future is only and idea.

Present day education is classified into three stages
1. Primary education,
2. higher education and
3. Research and development

Government is working on giving primary education to all. Pushing every one for higher education and funding research and development. I cannot imagine a complete overhauling of the system but effectively it end up being so.

Let me start with primary education.

it can be divided into two parts
primary school and high school

Primary School: T

his should be compulsory education for all. It should be focused.
1) to make good habits,
2) good reading and writing capability
3) developing scientific attitude.
4) picking up some hobby and art form.
5) getting to know the environment.
6) learning the culture.

i think one does not need to spend 10 years for this. There should be focus 5-7 years of time span. after this there should separation of student based on their learning. which should be called high school.

High school at this stage there should be choice to opt out for special education. It should be in accordance with society and culture. like religious studies and parental vocation. this will be dealt later.
1) The meritorious student should be segregated for stimulus studies. The study material can be more intensive for them. this should not exceed 20% of the total number.
2)Average student would be the vast number of the students. They should be trained for increasing their capabilities. Few of them may be meritorious but might have landed in average due to negligence. Some of them may prove them selves.
3) Below average may be 10- 20 %. They should be taken special care otherwise they can become negative. they may have some physical, mental or emotional disabilities. Special teacher should be appointed for them to identify the hidden powers in encourage them in their lives. They cannot be left behind. Society must realize their role in the future making.

After completing education in school there should be screening of students for different two different streams. Academic and Technical.

1) Academics:
this should be divided into two levels under-graduate and post-graduate.
a) Under-graduate: In this the student should show a special love for subjects and prove his worth in those. student should be able to pick up subject of their choice.
in first year may have 6 subjects in second years 4 subjects and in third year two subjects. the number of papers will remain same though out.
there should be screening of students to be taken to higher studies while finding job opportunities for the other students.
b) Post graduate: This should be intensive study in a particular subject and focused on deeper understanding.

2) Technical studies:

Monday, November 8, 2010

wrong assumption

i was listening to Mr Obama. he was responding to some economic company. he told that USA is engine of growth. so if USA stops growing world will stop growing. first part may be true but second part does not hold water. USA may be engine of the growth now but if USA stops growing then some other country will chip in. it is by their won term the survival of fittest. so if china becomes the engine of growth then let it be. if Bharat becomes engine of growth let it be. if Brazil becomes engine let it be. time will change and leader will give way.

All questions were focused on economy and defense. those are two major areas of present day society, based on greed and fear factor. economy means fulfilling evergrowing desire and where there is not the desire aim is to inculcate that desire.second factor is for dominance and instilling fear in people. if somebody is not afraid then creat a picture to instill fear in him and then make him join the gang of war mongers.
it would have been lot positive if the focus of economics would have been welfare of people and defense should have been for protection of Dharma.
but that is too much to ask from our leaders.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Think Over

Looks like journalists have very few topic to talk about i.e. terrorism, financial crisis, celebrities and few more similar topics. They will say the terrorism is the main problem and finance is the main solution.
Terrorism survives by terrorizing, or inculcating the fear factor. what are these journalist doing? they are aggravating the fear factor thus supporting the cause of terrorists. The solution, centered around money, breeds greed.
So people listen to the rant of the journalists all day long and believe it as the truth. Then they will act and slowly become part of the propaganda.
So the question comes why people are listening to them?
There was a time when people did their work and listen to man of God for for higher wisdom. Life was going on fine. Situation deteriorated and sustainance of the life itself became problem. Probably men of god failed in providing the solution of the life, so people looks at fellowmen for support. Few of them gave a good leadership and then became icon. They were treated as gods. Have you been Rajghat, understanding this will be easier. but soon there was again down fall. leaders failed to provide ideal to society. This was ideal time for anarchy. The empty place was filled by the people of greed and conceit. Now they are leading life of society. What does one expect from these people. It is not to say that god men and ideal men are not there. they are but in fewer number and out of focus of the society. some times they too fall prey to the means of the present ways and join them.
the solution must be provided by men of character and vision. Men of vision also means one who have had darshan-of their inner being the supreme being and unity of all beings.
People will evolve and the solution will appear like a lightening.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Neck tie

I was back from work and fantasizing about some of the future plans. One of them was to think differently. I was thinking of tie culture. Every one uses tie and it has become a symbol of being elite. If it is told that tie has originated from the collar belt tied around the pets and slaves to be kept under control by their master, what wuld be the reaction of the people. people would hide their tie. then some would stop wearing it if it is not essential.
i wa sthinking on these term when i started Dan Brown's novel The Lost Symbol. In the first few pages i came across the origin of tie.

It talk that neck tie or cravat it is similar to Fascalia worn by Roman orators to warm their vocal chord. but there is another origin suggested. Croat mercenaries donned neckerchief before they stormed into battle. Similarity was brought with the managers entering board room with necktie