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In Search and Research

Friday, November 12, 2010

Reading Norwegian Wood

Well written adolescent novel. Nice description of ordinary scenes through an ordinary eyes. It makes reader feel of possible the acquaintance to scene somewhere down the memory lane.
Few lines are like water stream oozing out of the soil mildly reminding of the water within the hard crust of earth.
page 145
"I guess I am opposite to brilliant," said Naoko. "I don`t understand anything they are doing here - any better than i understand myself."
"It is not because you are not smart," I said. "You are normal. I`ve got tons of things I don`t understand about myself. We are both normal: ordinary".

I was going through the passage where it dealt Midori's father's hospital condition. i rembered grandfather in-law of Kalyani. i had gone to see him on his last day.
he was almost dead.little breathing and defecating that was left as impression as life. i was amazed with the job Kalyani was doing in cleaning him regularly when everone else had given up.
i had joined them in their journey to village. i with her father in law were in front. she was in middle seat with rest of the place filled by body of the dying mad. i think every one took him to be dead too. there was no pain no pleasure. open eyes wanted to say something which nobody wanted to know. we went all the way till village. she cleaned him again. something wehich made everyone appreciate for the service which she rendered. i too was amazed to see the stuff she was made of. i did not why she only did it nobody else came forward. we were served food and were about to eat when the new was conveyed that he had gone 'cold' and we could not eat after that. few ladies cried but it looked like ritual. many gents were relieved with what had happened.


... , I suddenly thought of my old girl friend,....Chil ran through me as i realized how badly i had treated her. I had hardly thought about her thoughts or feelings or the pain I had caused her. She was such asweet and gentle thing, but at the timei had taken her sweetness ofr granted and later hardly gave hera second thought. What was she doing now? I wondered. And has she forgiven me?

A wave of nausea came over me and i vomited....


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