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In Search and Research

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Crowd Controlling and Police

there appears some discrepancies in the news item which appeared in The Hindu.

It says that Bharateeya police has been known for crowd controlling. it even cites example of its skill in controlling thousands in Assam and Punjab. then comes another observation that presently police has used fire for controlling stone pelting crowd in Kashmir. Even then, it could not control and army had to be summoned. In conclusion, the author says, that there is something wrong with police. Why the author did not even mention the other possibility, that there was something wrong with crowd itself. While in other instances there has been some public grievances against governmental policy in this case the crowd considered that the state is their enemy. That must have brought a change in mindset of the crowd. To deal with such a crowd, one cannot use the same mindset as exemplified in other cases. Moreover, to say that police is at wrong one has to look at another section where it says that the J&K police has been more restraining than their counter part from other states.
That does not mean that police agency can behave like non human. Every person should be awarded maximum respect a human being deserve. At the same time one should understand that they have not been fighting for some necessity which is not provided to them they are questioning the basic structure of our statehood.

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