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In Search and Research

Monday, January 24, 2011

New looks at Agni pariksha

I was listening to the incident of Agni pariksha of Mother Sita after her coming out of Lanka.
I was thinking of a different way of looking at the matter. Lord Rama was going to become King of Ayodhya. By the same virtue Sita would become queen. It is too be understood that there were different set of Dharma for Rakshasa people and humans. MotherSita should be considered as the one who had been taken as prisoner in the enemy camp. When a soldier is taken a prisoner of war there are chances that he may change change his alliance during that period of confinement. when they return they cannot join the rank so easily. they have to pass certain test. Soldier understand that procedure. Now the question can be asked will that same rule apply for Mother Sita. Lord was very strict with his own people when it came to following of Dharma. He did not listen to the lament of his father and even words of elders which were comingin his way of following Dharma. Later it is shown that just to uphold Dharma he did not spare Mother Sita, who was carrying twins, and ordered her to move away from palace. So the Agni Pariksha should be seen as the one of following the Dharma of an army commander receieving people from enemy camp.
People may think that Agni pariksha is too harsh a test. But the way conversation is goes on in that context nobody tells that Ram wants to kill Mother Sita. This makes it appear that it was one of the very severe kind of test reserved for proving integrity of character. That must have been other example regarding that in those time. Like Narco test or lie ditector test which are carried out in present day.
Question was not that Ram believed Her or not. It must have been like affidavit produced before society for purity of character.
That is what i can understand from understanding of present day.

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