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In Search and Research

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Falling Birds

I was reading novel named Kafka Along the Shore a weird novel mixing location time and level of consciousness. There were many weird things in those pages. So much so that weird became a normalcy. One of them was fishes and leeches falling from the sky. Yes fishes and leaches indeed. It was a piece of fiction so it was well taken.
I do remember grand mother telling that fishes fall from sky. That was not a fiction but fact according to her. Many seem to have corroborated her. It was not at all surprising to her. It had reason. I remember the story she told while mentioning this fact.
Sinners go to holy rivers and wash their sin. River becomes loaded with sin. So a person asked river how it gets rids of it. River replied, “I transfer these sins to ocean. It mighty and can absorb that easily.”
The person went to ocean and asked, “O Mighty Ocean, you must have accumulated sins over the ages. It must be quite a burden for you. How do you manage that?”
“I pass them to Indra,” replied the ocean. So the man went to Indra and asked what he does with the amount of sin which he receives.
“I send them back to world in form of fishes in rain, those who eat them bear with sin,” Indra said in the concluding remarks.
The sin cycle was complete so the story ended. But it is starting point of the thought. Sin is indeed coming back to us in vey weird ways. Raining fishes may be solid form of sin that also includes that rain water itself is polluted with our combined sins. And that reminds me of the passage in Anandvalli of Taitareeyopnishat. It says that yajna form cloud, cloud form rain, rain forms vegetation, vegetation forms food and food forms man. So the man is formed of yajna. But we know that cloud is formed from sea. So, how the cloud is formed from yajna? That indicates that clouds have two components. One is physical and another is subtle. Sin is a part of that subtle component. What does yajna do? It sends positive vibration and makes the cloud pure and the cycle continues. So what happens when yajna is not done? The sin comes along with the rain water and enters our cycle.
Why I am telling all these. There was a news that birds are dying in mass. They are falling dead. That rules out epidemic disease. Any such reason would make birds weak and weak bird would not take to flight. Surely there are no terrorist birds who plot against each other like human do. It must be some external force: man made or natural. Let us take both of them one by one. We know that urbanization did not kill so much of birds but surely digital waves have made some changes in environment. Birds have left city in search of safer habitat. They are very sensitive to environment and can sense the change much better than human, who only understands severe reaction and sometimes refuses to understand even that. There have seen some theories being put up for these too. Some weapon of mass destruction is being experimented, may be high frequency weapon. If that is the case we should wait for a stronger wave to come when few of us will be falling down even without realizing anything.
There is another theory which is being put that is of climatic change, like change in magnetic field of earth or the effect of solar spot. We don’t have much control over them. But still we have to ready for them. There have been many predictions about 2011 and 2012. This looks like just glimpse of what can happen. We surely need preparation. The prediction also tells that people with spiritual support system can ride through it.
The news of birds falling will soon be forgotten as they will be over taken by some more sensational news item but it should not make us stop thinking, because it is not the question of some TRP but our own existence.
Remember: birds fell dead in mass when the year started. Who will be the next?

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