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In Search and Research

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My world

The Story of Ganesha and Karthekeya iswell known among Bhaarateeya. i was told of this story while i went for Balvikas class. it was told for inculcating reverence for parents. but it is still very much relevant and with greater dimension for me.

Ganesha and Kaarthekeya agreed for race to go round the world. it appeared that Kartheekeya was more able with his slim body and fast vehicle, peacock. when He came back he still saw Ganesha sitting at the same place but the judges pronounced Ganesha as the victorious. Why?

While kartheekeya believed on his vehicle to conquer the world. Ganesha redefined the world. He refused to take the definition of kartheekeya. so in the eyes of karthekeya Ganesha was looser because he did not run around the world but even if we judge both by their own standards Ganesha won because criteria was to go round the world in shortest time.

so when the problem comes think about the definitions. sometimes they have flaw. dont take anything for granted as long as it is made by man. nothing is worth calling holy cow.
touch and transform for better. if you can then you are parasamani. feel the touch and if you are transformed for something better then accept the parasmani. respect it.

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