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In Search and Research

Friday, December 3, 2010

Drama in Parliament

It is easy to see through the drama our leaders are playing. They are supposed to be good actors but even in that they are not good. Their face betrays them. There is no sincerity accompanying the high words they utter. So what they tell is lost in the airwaves. It never touches heart. It is to be wondered, how many are ready to give up life for a cause.

Most of the people will blame government for the misdeeds. But in parliamentary democracy equal if not more share falls on opposition. We don’t have control over government and but we have sent opposition for the same purpose. If they cannot make something happen they are not worth the salt. If they feel that they are right then have lost confidence in support of people? They know fully well that people are loosing confidence in them. We have to manage with whatever leadership we have. It is not to think that they are some sort of fool. But loks like they have lost power of innovation? Have they lost connection with people? Why don’t they go on hunger strike on mass and let`s see how government is not acting. But Arun Shourie has told it right all are one and the same with different names. Who ever will come will do effectively the same just in different way.

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