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In Search and Research

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Education Policy

Education policy is not a job scheme to offered by the government it should be a future making process. There should not be any compromise on the quality front. If education policy is taken care then in due course every individual of the society will be leader for themselves and then the power get decentralized in real sense.

Present day education policy has produced people as beggars of few particular shinning jobs. This system was introduced by British, Lord Macaulay, to train the colonized people in serving interest of the ruler. They wanted the common people to be dependent upon them for every small thing so that they could continue the rule forever. After freedom from that rule focus should have been to remove the yoke of the policy but it was not done so. Th fault lies with the people who were at that time at the helm of the affair. They themselves had been trained in that education policy. They learn the new meaning of freedom, liberty and equality while getting educated. They struggled against the rule following those principle. So they were grateful to the system. It became to holy to be touched. There is nothing wrong in learning anything from anywhere but such idea should not be implemented verbatim. Evey land has its own history and culture. Any system should be in continuum to the past. a society should be cut from the past abruptly, in fact not even slowly. Past if proved where as present is only experiment and future is only and idea.

Present day education is classified into three stages
1. Primary education,
2. higher education and
3. Research and development

Government is working on giving primary education to all. Pushing every one for higher education and funding research and development. I cannot imagine a complete overhauling of the system but effectively it end up being so.

Let me start with primary education.

it can be divided into two parts
primary school and high school

Primary School: T

his should be compulsory education for all. It should be focused.
1) to make good habits,
2) good reading and writing capability
3) developing scientific attitude.
4) picking up some hobby and art form.
5) getting to know the environment.
6) learning the culture.

i think one does not need to spend 10 years for this. There should be focus 5-7 years of time span. after this there should separation of student based on their learning. which should be called high school.

High school at this stage there should be choice to opt out for special education. It should be in accordance with society and culture. like religious studies and parental vocation. this will be dealt later.
1) The meritorious student should be segregated for stimulus studies. The study material can be more intensive for them. this should not exceed 20% of the total number.
2)Average student would be the vast number of the students. They should be trained for increasing their capabilities. Few of them may be meritorious but might have landed in average due to negligence. Some of them may prove them selves.
3) Below average may be 10- 20 %. They should be taken special care otherwise they can become negative. they may have some physical, mental or emotional disabilities. Special teacher should be appointed for them to identify the hidden powers in encourage them in their lives. They cannot be left behind. Society must realize their role in the future making.

After completing education in school there should be screening of students for different two different streams. Academic and Technical.

1) Academics:
this should be divided into two levels under-graduate and post-graduate.
a) Under-graduate: In this the student should show a special love for subjects and prove his worth in those. student should be able to pick up subject of their choice.
in first year may have 6 subjects in second years 4 subjects and in third year two subjects. the number of papers will remain same though out.
there should be screening of students to be taken to higher studies while finding job opportunities for the other students.
b) Post graduate: This should be intensive study in a particular subject and focused on deeper understanding.

2) Technical studies:

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