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In Search and Research

Sunday, April 4, 2010

meeting brother Ganeshan

yesterday was like any other Sunday at Sai center. we heard that some person called Yoganathan would be coming. he is on business trip would like to come at our center. he came with his son at middle of the program. we were ending our study circle by then.
i asked his son id he know anything about British Sathya Sai Education in Human Value. he told that he did know about it. i told him that there is a person named Ganeshan who keeps sending news letter. and then he revealed that he is that ganeshan. i was so surprized. i thanked him for all the resources i have been getting due to him. he is a good singer and harmonium player too. he sang one of the melodious songs
Narayan Narayan bahjoman Narayan
Sri Hari Govinda Narayan bhajoman Narayan
Murali Shyaam Mohan Shyam Murali Mohan Shayaam
mere Raam ek hi nam
sadguru sai nam

i am bit surprised with the events happening with me. i met Makino san who is intrested in education ( he will be going to Bhutan, to look over the construction of schools)and now i met one of resourceful person from britain.
God knows what is coming up next.

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