people think that money, position and connections will make them secure. but is such security our main pursuit? i dont think so. to be happy is our main pursuit. from security you can think that you will be relaxed and that relaxation will give you happiness. but i think it works otherwise. the need of security comes from sense of insecurity, which have been slowly built in us as we grew. we dont believe our fellow being and anything. every wrong incident makes that feeling of insecurity stronger than before. there comes a point that any good incident is seen as exception and wrong becomes the rule. in such a condition any amount of security will never be adequate. you get the news that burglar alarm at some place did not work and you doubt your own alarm. somebody's son did not follow him and and you doubt your own son. it appears that people have started loving sense of insecurity. they think it keeps them updated and active. people love to worry. if somebody is not worrying then there is something wrong with him. they think that worrying is a positive contribution towards society.
i have a different model. first of all happiness is my nature and i dont have to derive it from elsewhere. so if i am myself i will be happy. always do something according to your capacity. it may happen or not happen. dont worry about that. revise, realize and resume. an honest happiness makes other happy. so people around you will be happy. derive happiness from that. steal smiles from your fellow being and give them back with interest. life is may be short or long. have plans for living but try to understand the plan of life. you may be thinking of a pleasant life but life might be having suffering in store for you. accept and be happy. adjust and be happy. allow and be happy. any factor can make your time hard, hot and heavy but cannot take away your choice to be happy.
think of the time you are leaving your body. you are entering an unknown zone. all your wealth, position and connection will be falling apart for you. factors which made you so secure will no longer be with you. how will you feel. so insecure. isnt it? people cry and wail at that time, if they have power . while others continue to worry more deeply while they step out. even if you think that it is end of everything. what a bad end to a seemingly good story of life. we have come across many stories just to name few which come to my mind now. harishchandra. had a tough time but story ends at good not we are happy. think of story of Ravana. he his life story was one of majesty and glamor but end was tragic. we feel pity for him. they may be extreme examples but we do carry few shades of those characters.
whatis our choice?
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