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Friday, July 30, 2010

Change is happening

Avatars come to set the change which is greatly needed. Few are come to the surface, like rivers, and are celebrated but a large part remains unseen, like the ground water and, continue to nurture the humanity for ages and ages.
Advent of Ram is associated with the anhilation of Ravana. What we see is that whole story of ravana is only in the fourteenth year of the exile. There is much more to it. he came to redeem the who were waiting for him like ahalya and shabari. He anhilated tadaka and kadhamba, who refused to change and were becoming source of disharmony to the social order. He gave courage to the weak hearts like sugriva and confidence to Vibhsana to stand up against adharma. He blessed alikes of sharbhaga for 13 years by giving his company and living like them. He not only followed dharma but also buit confidence in the heart of people to follow it. He showed that the divine benovalance will arrive.
When parashurama had anhilated the bunch of irresponsible ruler here was a an ideal one. from his time it became a rule to look upto ideals. He assured that people will never say that we don’t have ideal to look upto. For the politic he was guiding light and for a sould which was lost in the wilderness of the world his name became constant companion. He was relevant at that time and will be relavent for all the time to come.
It was agin in the time of Dwapara age. Krishna was laying down an order which would guide the coming age Kaliyuga. We know that in epics people with great sacrifice are mentioned. But he knew about the coming age. He told that to worship lord you don’t need to do something great of that sort. Just you need pure feeling and offer patram, pushpam, falam and toyam.
Not that this was invented by him. This must have existed even before him. It is said that the Gita is essence of Upanishads. Human mind has spark of divinity and it cannot be said no other person got similar idea earlier. But the words of Krishna made difference.
We see that pandavas did yajna and then few more yajna down the lineage and then the great yajnas are not mentioned by the history. It was for the common to take up doing yajna and they had to do with what was mentioned by Krishna.
It was further highlighted by Adi shankaracharya, who composed many stuti to arouse the devotional feelings among the common. The tradition, which was started by Krishna, continued. The heights of that could be seen in the rise of bhakti movement in Bharat. It was bhakti movement which saved the culture of Bharat from being vanishing from the onslaught of the foreign invasion by the newly born Islam. It had to be synthesized in the existing Indian ethos. Bhakti movement did that great job. It was not difficult to see that Krishna was still guiding the millennia.
The greater blow was given by arrival of the European with the industrialization along with them. World needed again few pillar to hold on. So we saw few pillar appearing like Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. what humanity needed was not only a light house but also a good boat man, who would take care of the ship in the troubled water, Who would live among them, like them and for them.
This desire is fulfilled by arrival of Sai. Shirdi Sai lived among the common and sowed the seed. it became a sapling. A new order was born. Here was a person, whom everyone could look up to. With Satya Sai the tree is growing bigger and bigger talking every parched soul under it. It is told that Prema Sai will culminate the present change. Cannot guess about the unique ways divine acts but what appears is that like in previous incarnations we will usher in a new age. People of dwapar yuga could not imagine about us, so we too cannot about future.
One can notice happening but just to show the continuity, Sai avatar has even removed the requirement of patram pushpam phalam toyam. Not by removing the sloka but by introducing the new meaning as body mind heart and tears of joy.
Conflicts will be there as per the nature of the society and the universal law. But change will be happening in the heart of people, as it had happened earlier.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

words of silence

"Silence is ocean, words are waves"

It was usual day when saw a message in orkut scrapbox that I should not give empty visit but also leave a message while peeping at the profile. It was from Mrs. Singh. I did not have anything in my mind at that time, so I left a blank message in her scrapbox. She thanked for it (may be in sarcastic way) and might have forgotten the whole episode but it kept ringing in my ears. So I wrote another scrap. After reading it, even I did not believe, that I had written it. it was regarding words and silence. Any way, it was sent to her. Here are few more words added to it.
Messages are always silent. Feelings are always wordless. They are expressed in world when one is incapable of transmitting or receiving it in their original form. Words have limitation. Meanings, which are derived from the words have further limitations. So, relying on words to get meaning will reap only partial objective.
Words arise from silence and merge back into it. They carry the meaning for the recipient and vanish after performing their duty. Sound is glimpse of what is contained in the silence.
Words in themselves don’t have meaning at all. They are just catalyst to link person to what is already known. Even a glimpse of word "“smile” flashes memories of smile which we had in past and then a surge of joy comes in mind. We understand the meaning. take another example, “Anand” Try to imagine the meaning. one can understand it as the highest joy. but he will understand that from his own understanding. Beyond that? He cannot understand. So it is your experience, which gives meaning to the word. it is you who give meaning to the words. so words are like aperture in the world of silence to peep into.
Sometimes a combination of words, try to convey something which is not beyond the apparent meaning of words. Take example of samasa in Sanskrit. Chaturbhuj means one with four hands but they also want to indicate to something more than that. Here that is Lord Vishnu. Again meaning is more hidden rather than in words.
In above case, one of the attributes of Lord Vishnu was taken and tried to compare with something which is already known. From that, there was extrapolation of understanding and we come closer to what was meant. What if there is nothing to compare? Words will fail. Silence will overtake. Feeling themselves have to be transmitted. Words will dilute if not distort feelings. In such case the speaker could only say
Yatho Vaacho nivartante apraapya mansaa Sah
And how will you understand it
Param drshtva nivartate
It is only by having the vision of that, that one can understand.
nanya pantha ayanaya vidyate
Leave the words behind and move into the realm of silence, which is the language of nature. This will help us in understanding
Ek vijnanam sarve vijnanam.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


We have lost the sense of humor which has been part of our society. Looks like sense of humour also has to be imported from some foreign country then only it will be accepted.
Mani Shankar Ayyair told that he wishes failure of common wealth games 2010. Have we become s dumb that we cannot understand any thing? First of all this was told in humorous tone. Instead of smiling and laughing there was angry remark over it. there are some people who don’t kow how to smile and laugh then they are not supposed to see the statement in isolation. Mr Ayer did not say that he wanted to plant a bomb. He only wished that there is rain which can bring good harvest. For this he was termed antinational.
Some of the people are making it appear like a prestige issue of Bharat. They make it appear that it was very necessary to organize this game as if it was like daughters marriage in family, which must be conducted at grand scale. I don’t see a national sentiment attached to it. Country which does not have any sporting culture cannot relate to sports. At present more number of people re crazy for cricket, which is more a business than a game. Wait to see how much of irregularity has gone in. no wonder the budget had been inflated to many hundred times. This is not game this is business if not a national level scandal.
It irritating to hear, that this will bring development. Why, then it had to be in dilli itself. It could have been in some remote areas that certainly need more development than dilli. And development is for whom? For the people who have been displaced or for the people who have been eying the flats of the games village once the gala party is over?
The way a poor men of dilli will remember this game is that they were thrown out from capital to make it look beautiful. Suddenly there has been lot of construction work and labors have been called from different part of the country. After work is over they will not be able to even step in the area. Forget the poor; the way tickets are being priced even middle class will not be able to purchase it. When they are struggling with the price rise do you expect them to spend thousands for watching game which they cam as well see on TV. So it will be for the affluent and free pass holders to fill the seats.
It is common wealth game. Remember it is colonial hangover reminding again and again that we were colony of British. Add to that feeling was our president going to receive the light from queen of UK. Is this game or some sort of subservient mentality? Why cannot they think of being equal? Looks like, it is impossible for them. What value sports person have given to this game was evident when some star performers chose not to attend it. And we want to pump our prestige with such events.
What is the value of the game can be gauged from the fact that organizing committee had tough time finding sponsors and finally PSU’s had to dole out money. Even a cricket match is threatening to jeopardize the viewership so BCCI was told to pay for it.
Don’t even bother to ask what will be our medal tally. We know how sporting we are. We don’t need evidence. Even few bronze, fewer silver and rare gold arrivals will make us more than jubilant. This is not to say anything against the sports person. They have been working hard to bring out the best. Problem is with our society and government who are not interested in showing that best. They are more interested in showing the organizing capabilities. No need to say even there we have been a looser.
To say anybody as anti-national we should now what is the definition of nation. Ego of few cannot be, should not be and must not be termed as nation. If it is so, then there is no harm in being anti-national for sake of people of nation.
Yes we have lost sense of humor and have been made part of prestigious tragedy to gloat over. Yes we many must cry to make few smile. at least that will be humor to them.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Came across very interesting term Aapojyoti
I remember chanting this word while performing sandhya vandanam.I don't think I ever gave any thought to the word. Today I was going through a document relating to Upanishad Vahini.
what i understans is Apah means water and Jyoti means light or fire. so I thought, may be it is something to do with elements. But, what I read was a bouncer.

"The waters in conjunction with the fire in the stomach become food. In the water that comes down as rain, the “fire” of lightning is inherent. So, whoever is established in the Aapojyothi, or the Splendour of water, is aware of the Splendour of Annam and is persuaded to revere it."

Water with fire become food.
Rain has lightening inherent in it.
Becoming aware of splendor of water which is splendor of food.

Don't know what does it mean. vedic seer who were talking of philosophy, which went beyond the perception of a lay man and often talked of realm which was beyond mind. They talking of a simple aspect such as food is important looks very puzzling. This is understood by a lay man nay all creature. This compels me to think that food in this context is not simply mean nutritious food, we partake. Water simply does not mean water we see chemically. Light is not just a form of energy what physic has taught to us. It may mean something which says that food is beyond the comprehension of the nutrition science, water beyond chemical science and the energy of fire beyond the realm of physical science.

it gives some respite to know what it does not mean, but that does not quell the thirst as it does not say what does it mean.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Excellent Vs Redefining

Every one wants to see some change. Many even want to be the cause of change ( I refrain from using words agents of change.) The need and method differs from person to person. People of similar though may come together. Every time it appears that they lure the cat on the wall and grawl at the one at the other side of wall. Recently I replied to a post by Balaji in which he had argued that present education has taught us only to serve the rich.
It opened a Pandora box and there was lot of comment on that. I thought of commenting but then I held back, while following the responses. Then I received invitation of balaji to comment. It gave me freedom to act. I know Balaji is not one, who will be hurt by hard talk. So my point was that in his flow he forgets few and then flaws creep in, which hurt few in the process. What I said was new to me too. It was even appreciated by few in the post which followed. So I feel I can put them here too.
I think there are two ways of making changing 1) excelling and 2) redefining. Both are justified by their followers.
Excelling is to accept the rules and to excel the game. The world lends ear to the winner. He gets a moment to speak out and he can make change in that moment. This process has been institutionalized over the ages. While, redefining is to start a new game altogether (sometimes reviving a lost or loosing game too) and this awaits radical thinkers.
I think, our institute too emphasized on the first while second was left to individual exploration. So most of us try to excel in the way everyone in the world is trying. This group will always be in majority because it is easy for most of the people to join. This group needs space to prove themself. So there is search for space, call it advertisement, competition, even war. This process needs excellent but moderate individuals. It also has collateral damage associated with it. It will make us strong and also weak.
Second group needs different people they need not be excellent. They will always be looked from far, appreciated, commented and criticized but rarely accompanied. They will be termed radicals and hardliners but they never asked for certificate from anybody. All they need is to have faith and prove it to own. These people don’t need space among the first group (in fact they are in different plane itself) but need time to prove (Am I saying that it is space-time conflict?)
It is not say that there are two groups of people. One can be excellent in one aspect while redefining in other. I don’t think world had to be black and white, we can allow all shades of grey to exist. So we can appreciate each other instead of trying to say who is right or wrong. We have ample space and enough time line available (I don’t believe in unsustainable earth or doomsday).
Did I say what I wanted to say?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Crowd Controlling and Police

there appears some discrepancies in the news item which appeared in The Hindu.

It says that Bharateeya police has been known for crowd controlling. it even cites example of its skill in controlling thousands in Assam and Punjab. then comes another observation that presently police has used fire for controlling stone pelting crowd in Kashmir. Even then, it could not control and army had to be summoned. In conclusion, the author says, that there is something wrong with police. Why the author did not even mention the other possibility, that there was something wrong with crowd itself. While in other instances there has been some public grievances against governmental policy in this case the crowd considered that the state is their enemy. That must have brought a change in mindset of the crowd. To deal with such a crowd, one cannot use the same mindset as exemplified in other cases. Moreover, to say that police is at wrong one has to look at another section where it says that the J&K police has been more restraining than their counter part from other states.
That does not mean that police agency can behave like non human. Every person should be awarded maximum respect a human being deserve. At the same time one should understand that they have not been fighting for some necessity which is not provided to them they are questioning the basic structure of our statehood.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dr Takao and meaning of vedic phrases

Meeting with Dr. Takao san has been illuminating experience every time. when i was in Kitakyushu, he used to pick me up near my home and then we used to go to the Sai center together in his car. after the meeting was over he used to bring me back. in car we always talked some spiritual topic. he showed his interest in understanding Veda mantra and he used to analyze every word. it was supplemented by his knowledge which he had gathered while going through various Bharateeya philosophical texts. later he even bought a Sanskrit dictionary to aid him in his thoughts.

i happened to meet him last Sunday. i was in Kitakyushu for the 19th anniversary of the Sai center. Again i was picked up by him from Orio station. and soon after exchanging pleasantries we got into our usual talk, while he maneuvered his car through lane and bye lanes which were so familiar to me. i felt nostalgic those moments.
bu i started this blog not to give detail of my feeling. the main purpose was to tell about two of the sample of thinking of Takao san.
i remember i was teaching Sri Suktam to them in Kitakyushu. there comes a line
Kardamena Praa bhoota mayi sambhava kardama
i saw in Veda Pushpanali book that it means Laksmi was daughter of Kardama rishi. and she has a son named chiklita.
i did not know anything about kardama nad chikleeta. so i went searched. i could find very minimum information from the web. it said that when Laksmi was born from Ocean she was adopted by Sage kardama and later was given to Vishnu in marriage. but there was no mention of Chikleeta. so left it there.
but Dr Takao went through adifferent way. he found that Kardama also means mud. and chikleeta means pollen. so laksmi which is born from the mud must be daughter of mud and the pollen which are born from the flower must be son of the flower. it sounded very logical.
last Sunday he told that vasarpati means the one who bestows the blessing at the appropriate time. this com a new meaning to me. i i remember he had told that pramrishaya means the one who is very patient. that showed that he is not only memorizing veda but also trying to understand the meaning of the words.
last Sunday he also told that there is meaning to the bow of Shiva.
bow is one but it has two end. the two end signifies the duality. the string is the Maya which hold duality together and the arrow is the desire which is shot from it. with this arrow of desire shot from the string of maya and powered by ends of duality we get the pain.
i was awestruck with this explanation. amazing. indeed amazing.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Bharat Band

i have been watching the development from here in Japan. I know i cannot feel the pulse of general public directly. So, i rely on the news papers and news channels. what i saw was utter insensitivity.
when country was facing the inflation and price rise news industry felt the that thread bar analysis of an unknown model was more imporatnt to keep in highlight.
Somehow bharat band was sucha topic that it could not be ignored. so there came up another tactic. propaganda started that bandh is illegal.
i saw one of the channels, newsX, i could only laugh at the presentation they made. it was joke they were telling. some of them were
1. it is closed every where but bandh is not effective
2. it is not violent but there is fear of violence. and for this opposition are sinner.
3. it was told that price rise effect only middle class was effected and not the poorest of poor. so price rise is good.
4. subsidies never reach poor so what if they are removed.
5. most of the states have halted, 2 states are only partially effected and one is not effected at all. this shows that Bharat band is failure.

it was very well observed that it is similar the time emergency was imposed 35 years ago. opposition has come together. government is insensitive. then news papers were silenced. now they are bought. then also protest was peaceful now also it remained peaceful.
you need somebody like SS Ray to suggest to impose emergency. there would have been enough reason. from rastrapati to the hawaldar nobody would have opposed. intellectuals in the AC rooms would not have been very vocal in supporting it.

i feel blood coming to boil. i should have been in the kurukshetra when mahabharata is being fought.
any way i know mahabharat is a long drawn battle which will be continuously fought till eternity.
reply of abhishek manu singhavi telling
that there is no benefit of bandh shows that Govt is not going to be sensitive to the bandh.
now he says that bandh itself is unconstitutional.
now he says that there is no logic, they are hypocritical. (you are no less Mr singhavi)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

leader and politics

For last few years it has been taken for granted that Dr. Man Mohan Singh is very good PM. to support the statement it has been put forward that he is honest man. For another matter he has been praised and that is his understanding of economics. For the later point it cane be very well understood. he was professor in economics and that is why he has good understanding. Being honest id certainly a good point but that cannot be criteria for being a leader.
I find many of the qualities still wanting in present PM.
Leader of Bharat should have all round vision and not only economic vision. And here I find there is deficiency. If any problem is confronted there should be some solution in hand. Solution may be successful or not depend on many factors. But what if there is no action visible. Manipur problem takes more than 60 days to attract attention. Srinagar violence escalates every passing day with same design. Naxals are striking at will and mocking at the preparation our security personals are having.
Some may defend that government has been solving the problem. But look at the solutions provided by Govt. Manipur was languishing for long time and then army was sent to open the routes. The real problem was not solved it was differed. In Kashmir CRPF Vs local match was going on till curfew was clamped and army started doing flag march. Government had still not decided to give naxal problem in hands of army.
Does that mean that every thing is trying to be solved by force? Have all political options been exhausted? Or our political forces have been exhausted? We are proud in telling that we fought our freedom struggle preliminary on nonviolent line. That was the time when our leaders thought of innovative ideas. But looks like, now there is vacuum.
Many people are telling that all the above problems due to anti national armed groups. But they fail to understand that behind the gun and the most sophisticated arms there is politics. you can tackle gun with gun but if you forget the politics behind the gun then all the gain which you get in battlefield of will be nullified by the politics which can revitalize the dead guns.
Use of force can be like pain killer for temporary relief not for permanent solution. Permanent solution can only come by change in thinking, understanding, involving, dialogue and all such methods. People should avoid thinking about the hard terrain condition while sitting in the air-conditioned rooms.
Leaders! please come out society needs solutions.